Thursday, January 30, 2014


It began in my backyard; my passion for lacrosse. I stood mesmerized as my older brother and his friends joked and tossed around. Shortly after my older sister and her friends had joined the fun, and as the baby I was determined to do the same. I officially began playing lacrosse in forth grade with my brothers hand-me-down stick in hand; it read "No Fear". I carried that saying with me throughout my lacrosse career, with no fear, anything was possible. I played for my middle school team and made varsity as a freshmen, I was on cloud nine. Along with high school, I played travel lacrosse for four years, this was a bit of a reality check, the pool of talent was much bigger then I expected. With hours of practice, much sweat and many tears, I made my dream come true, I was offered a scholarship to play college lacrosse. I had the exceptional opportunity to play Division 1 lacrosse at Manhattan College where I made many friends and memories to last a life time.  

Passion (noun)- strong emotion (ex. strong love/dislike)
Mesmerized (verb)-hold the attention of (someone) to the exclusion of all else
Determined (adjective)- very focused  
Hand-me- down (idiom)- something that is passed down from one person to another
Cloud Nine (idiom)- to be very happiness
Scholarship (noun)-a sum of money given to a student for school
Exceptional (adjective) - unusual                                                                                                                     

Vocabulary Activity
1. The boy was ______________________ by the show on television that he didn’t hear the phone ringing.
2. Jack was ­­­­________________ to finish his homework before dinner, so he could go outside to play.
3. My dog was on ­­­­­­_____________ _____________when I gave him a doggy treat.
4. All of my hard work and studying paid off because I was given a ____________ at attend college.
5. Since I am the youngest in the family, I get a lot of _________ ____ ________ from my brother and sister.
6. Nicole was given the _________________ opportunity to travel Prague for free!
7. Ashley got her ______________ reading from her dad.

Grammar Point
Idioms are phrases in English whose meanings are different than they appear. You do not take idioms literally. Cloud Nine is an example of an idiom, it dose not mean you are actually on a cloud; it means you are very happy. Below are three sentences, the phrases in bold are idioms. What do you think these phrases mean?

When the teacher asked the answer to 1+1, the students replied, “that’s a piece of cake           

Jack was outside for three hours but to him it felt like only 10 minutes, he told his mother “time flies when your having fun

When Jacks mother wanted him to slow down as he ran toward the ice cream truck she yelled “Hold your horses”